Nysted - The Tomb of the Madman

Skyrim Mod - Bethesda Creation Kit - Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator

After making Pelagius III sane again, Sheogorath released him back to Nirn to rest peacefully. However, Jyggalag has learned of your actions and confined Pelagius’s soul to an enternity of monotony. Go into Pelagius’s Tomb and help Sheogorath make the man insane again and free him from the throws of Sheogorath’s Daedric nemesis.

You can find it here on the Nexus Mods!

Playthrough. Yes. I know I suck for playing melee, but this mod gear (not mine) is just so good!

Artboard 1@72x.png
Blocking out the dungeon. After adding in rooms to a 1:1 ratio of what was planned, I clearly ran into some issues with connecting the Nord Dungeon set with the Imperial Dungeon set. I also added more break rooms in the mix so the player would feel proper pacing throughout their experience within the dungeon.

Blocking out the dungeon. After adding in rooms to a 1:1 ratio of what was planned, I clearly ran into some issues with connecting the Nord Dungeon set with the Imperial Dungeon set. I also added more break rooms in the mix so the player would feel proper pacing throughout their experience within the dungeon.


Software used:

Creation Kit Skyrim


Adobe Illustrator

Play the most recent Build here: on the Nexus Modding Community! https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/51027/