Battle of Ages


Battle of Ages

Here is a game pitch for a mobile game set in my fantasy universe!

The mobile game is a PvP 1v1v1v1 or 2v2 PvP match three game with an RPG-like progression system!


The Purity of Life


Purity of Life

I am developing a mathematical model for an open world RPG I had been working on since undergrad. This is a live document. The video shows the current state of the game’s spreadsheet!

The link for the 7-15-2021 document can be found here. Do note that the spreadsheet isn’t optimized to be on mobile.

Since I originally had the game concept before I applied to my current program, I took a lot of time to reflect some of the mathematical models I came up pre-FIEAand I realized that the original XP curve being x^2 ln(x) was WAYYY too strong of a curve I spend more time carefully modelling out the delta increase for each level. I think back then I assumed the x^2 ln(x) was the accumulated xp, but that would provide a curve that wouldn’t be steep enough. Additionally, other things in my previous design documents I wrote at the time reflected my lack of understanding in programming (such as failing checks for crafting), so we’re much better on that front. I also had a reeeally bad, and overly simplistic combat system in place and made certain refinements to my past ideas such as how Mana/Stamina/Health points are gained, and other details in the combat system that didn’t quite add up or were otherwise completely generic.

I started this document with a basic combat system in mind, but over the course of working, I realized that since this was for an Open World RPG I had to scale everything to time spent in combat, to even get more general, without some sort of direction. So I switched gears and started the most general possible: how much time should I even expect the player to spend playing this game?

One thing led to another and I had a much more focused approach to gameplay dynamics related to Combat, Exploration, and Questing than just randomly spitting out numbers that may or may not work. Now what’s left to do is better refine the numbers I have once I add in Crafting and Combat. Those two were simply out of scope for the project, and I recognize that they are important variables that will contribute to the player’s experience, but it should be done in baby steps of increasing detail.

Another weak point in my document is that since this is for a game that has not yet been made, I need a way to better simulate the time spent to get the feeling correct, even if the numbers look good on paper. I’m in the process of learning VBA Scripting for that as well. This document is already set up in such a way that I can either add a column to compare playtester data or tweak the planned numbers such that any of the variables in orange text can be manipulated me or a mythical design team working on this project.


Bit Empire


Bit Empire

Collect cryptocurrency by buying Cities with tech hubs, and selling the acquired Cryptocoins (CC) to the International Bank for Global Dollars! Buy out your competition to be the world's top Bitcoin Empire!

I was responsible for developing the Map, and base game rules while my friend put together the recording, made the cards and set our Tabletop Simulator server up!

I’ve made an excel spreadsheet calculator for the game here. It is also a WIP, as I still have to add in Streak functionality, but otherwise good to use! Do also note that the spreadsheet isn’t optimized for mobile.

It was really fun making this! We had many playtests with classmates trying to get the numbers to add up. After spreadsheeting it, I have come to realize that red cities don’t cost enough for the given gains they give, and I think the cryptocoins are a bit overvalued. My first attempt was not done using the spreadsheeting method and the numbers reflect it. Note to self: mathematical modelling > first guesstimation from intuition!


Gangsters of New York


Spectre Mysteries