Brian Strigel

501 - 944 - 9994


I tend to call myself the “Madman” as well as I have a lot of crazy ideas and can be really fun to be around. If I were to be a Daedric prince, I’d probably be Sheogorath. I generally love to have many projects going on at once. If there is a creative stagnation, I love to be the instigator on bounching ew ideas off my teammates to fix problems logically and creatively. I am quick to be independent and I don’t mind helping out teammates, improving what they have, giving suggestions on places to improve. I’m generally a scatterbrained person but I can easily become focused on something I want to do.

I am CEO and Creative Director of my own fledgling game studio, Greatsword Game Studios, based in OMG Labs in downtown Orlando, Florida. With my passion for great RPGs, I have used the banner of my company to promote and develop many prototypes which we are currently looking to send to investors.

I have been working on the material for a good part of my life, from drafting stories, the in-game universe of our current project, Project: Crimson. I made an number of prototypes and pitches for Greatsword Games Studios including Quantum Run, and an unpublished pitch for a multiplayer mobile puzzler: Battle of Ages.

I have industry experience in level design outside of my company, Greatsword Games Studio. As a level designer for Evening Star studios in Los Angeles California, I was responsible for creating 4 levels from concepting to the whiteboxing for their now released game: Penny’s Great Escape available on Steam. I have a MS in Interactive Entertainment from the world’s forefront game design program, Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy at the University of Central Florida, in Orlando, Florida.

My background has always been in art and science, and I have two Bachelor’s Degrees, one in Art and the other in Physics. I went on to study and teach at the Rome Art Academy over in Rome, Italy, in the summer of 2015 and 2016. Time moved on and I decided it was right to pursue a masters in my other skillset, Physics and Entrepreneurship at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.

I have found game design to best incorporate my technical skills with my creative vision. I am a huge RPG nerd, whether it be in Sci-fi or traditional medieval fantasy. I live by a personal motto of “Go big or go home,” so it is hard for me not be ambitious, and thus sometimes I often scope-bomb myself. Granted, I always finish what I start, even if it meams “killing my babies.” I am learning, however to grow more patient, but it doesn’t stop me from pushing for my dreams of being a lead designer.